So the plot thickens. Tried two different tail lamp sensors today from a Z shop (one green like my original and one brown), Each of them DID not resolve the issue. All it did was give me the little LIGHTS icon on the right of the dash when I hit the brakes. Reminder of the current issue: - all of the following lights WORK fine (low beam, high beam, day time running, turn signals, and rear brake lights but rear brake lights only work when depressed) - rear brake lights do not light as they should when the full driving lights are on; park lights do not either and neither does the gauge light right behind the cluster (pod lights are fine) I resoldered part of my original tail light sensor that I had bypassed and I think I will do it one more time to ensure all is well. I checked it with a test light and I think a connection might be bad. Here is the interesting part. Today I put my "hacked/soldered" tail light sensor back in and the following happened: - tail lights still don't light when the driving lights are on HOWEVER: - park lights, and gauge lights turn on every single time I brake! - I can hear a little "click" in the cabin every time I touch the brake and the interior lights dim as they should and gauge lights turn on - this did NOT happen with the other two tail light sensors from my friend I'm going to check search again now but putting it out there if anyone knows what this means. Thanks